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Checking for Rendered Text

Say you have a Text component like so:

<Text>Hello, World!</Text>

You can test that it's present by looking for the element with that text:

await expect(element(by.text('Hello, World!'))).toBeVisible();

// also works:
await expect(element(by.label('Hello, World!'))).toBeVisible();

Note that we are checking if the element is visible: that is, if it is not scrolled off-screen and is at least 75% opacity. Alternatively, you can expect the element .toExist(), but that might result in an element that a user can't interact with.

Finding an element by text can result in fragile tests that break when you change phrasing. Instead, you can give an element a testID that can be used for the test to look up the element. This results in more durable tests:

<Text testID="welcome">Hello, World!</Text>
await expect(element('welcome'))).toBeVisible();


To tap an element, find it using some matcher, then .tap() it:

<Pressable testID="mybutton" onPress={() => {}}>
<Text>Press Me</Text>
await element('mybutton')).tap();

// also work:
await element(by.text('Press Me')).tap();
await element(by.label('Press Me')).tap();

Typing Into TextInputs

To type into a TextInput, you have a few different options. One is to .typeText():

<TextInput testID="mytextinput" ... />
await element('mytextinput')).typeText('I typed this');

One thing to keep in mind with .typeText() is that it won't clear out any existing text in the input. If you want to clear it out, you can .clearText() first:

await element('mytextinput')).clearText();
await element('mytextinput')).typeText('I also typed this');

A shortcut for doing both is to use .replaceText():

await element('mytextinput')).replaceText('A third thing I typed');